Grandmothers bear the brunt of Syrian orphan crisis

Publication: Al-Monitor ZAATARI, Jordan — It has been years since Da’ed and her family fled Syria, but when her granddaughter asks where her mother and father are, the 60-year-old woman cannot find the right words to explain. In fact, Najoua, 4, still doesn’t know that her…

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European women convert, join IS

Publication: Al Monitor AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — Vanessa, 19, was always a rebellious and spontaneous teen. Someone who liked being the center of attention and didn’t let anybody tell her what to do. After she became a teenager, she was always hanging around “tough boys” from…

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Domestic violence increases among Syrian refugees

Publication: Al Monitor AL-KHALDEYA, Jordan — Even when Hamda was still living in the city of Homs, her husband used to hit her. This didn’t happen a lot, but occasionally, when he was stressed out or tired. Most of the time he wasn’t even at…

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Een warm welkom in Syrië

Publicatie: Parool De Amsterdamse Khadija wilde altijd al in een islamitische staat wonen om daar volgens de regels van de islam te leven. In 2013 ging zij naar Syrië en trouwde daar een jihadstrijder. Nu is ze terug in Nederland. Khadija had in Nederland ‘niets…

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Syrian women refugees humiliated, exploited in Turkey

Publication: Al-Monitor REYHANLI, Turkey — Dima* is a confident 21-year-old with pale skin and big brown eyes. Her black headscarf is wrapped loosely around her head above her pink dress. She has two small children and a husband, but he currently works as a cab driver in Lebanon. Every month, Adly sends…

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Verdwenen Syriërs

Publicatie: De Tijd  De Syrische burgeroorlog maakte al minstens 110.000 doden en joeg 7 miljoen Syriërs op de vlucht. Ondertussen verdwenen tienduizenden anderen van de radar. Ze werden opgepakt en opgesloten in geheime gevangenissen. Wie vrijkomt, getuigt over gruwelijke martelpraktijken. De Syriër Jad Bantha (32) woonde…

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Witnesses Recount Attack On Morsi Supporters

Written for Al-Monitor CAIRO — In the makeshift field hospital in the al-Raba’a Adawiya Mosque, people are running, crying and comforting each other. Men walk around wearing bloodied clothing, and women wipe brown spots off the floor. Dirty bandages, empty IV bags and other first aid…

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Egyptians Form Human Shields To Protect Female Protesters

Written for Al-Monitor CAIRO- As violence against women protesting in Tahrir Square grew, Egyptians were taking measures to provide safety for the female protesters. In one instance, males have formed a human shield around women, so that attackers cannot get close to them.

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